What is the standard delivery time?

Standard delivery usually takes up to 5 working days after dispatch. Remote locations might experience slight delays. If you don't receive your order within this timeframe, please contact us at

How can I track my order?

If you haven't received a tracking link via SMS or email, please reach out to our support team for assistance. You can also track your order here.

How long does it take to dispatch an order?

We typically dispatch orders within 2-5 working days. If your order hasn't been dispatched after 5 working days, please contact our support team.

How can I change my address or contact details?

You can change your address or contact details for unfulfilled orders. Please send us an email for modification requests.

What if I didn't receive order confirmation?

If your payment was successful but you haven't received a confirmation email, please contact us at

What should I do if the order status shows delivered but I haven't received it?

If your order status shows delivered but you haven't received it, contact our support team within 24 hours.

What if an item is out of stock?

We strive to keep our website's stock counts accurate, but occasionally discrepancies occur. If we cannot fulfil all your items at the time of purchase, we will ship the available products and contact you about the back-ordered item. You can choose to wait for it to be restocked or request a refund for that item.

How are shipping costs determined?

Shipping costs are calculated during checkout based on the weight, dimensions, and destination of your order. A shipping payment is included with your purchase. The price you see at checkout is the final shipping cost.

Are there free shipping options?

Yes, there are no shipping charges for prepaid orders over ₹500. For all orders, COD (Cash on Delivery) charges will be applicable.

Can I return a product if I change my mind?

Pastel Care does not accept returns due to a change of mind. However, if you contact us before your order is shipped, we can cancel and replace your order as needed.

What should I do if my parcel is damaged in transit?

If your parcel is damaged during transit, we will process a refund or replacement once the courier has completed their investigation into the claim.

What should I do if my parcel is lost in transit?

If your parcel is lost during transit, we will process a refund or replacement once the courier has conducted their investigation and deemed the parcel lost.

How can I contact customer service?

For all customer service inquiries, please contact us at 9999477012